Specialist Physiotherapy

At Alphington Sports Medicine we offer a Specialist Sport and Exercise Physiotherapy service. This service caters for complex and difficult conditions – where a patient is struggling to improve or get better.

Our Specialist Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist* will work with the patient’s current treating practitioners to implement a comprehensive management plan that includes ongoing objectives, along with rehabilitation and strengthening exercises that are focused towards achieving the patient’s goal.

Complex and difficult conditions are generally those that:

  • have an extended history that is not improving or resolving
  • include multiple injuries or components that are difficult to progress
  • have an unusual condition or presentation.

To learn more about this service or to make an appointment with Dr Kay Copeland, Specialist Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist (as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapy in 2018), click here or phone 9481 5744.

*Specialist Sport and Exercise Physiotherapists have completed an extensive two year training program and examination in diagnosis and management of complex conditions.

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