Our Exercise + Rehabilitation Area includes a variety of gym, pilates and other rehabilitation equipment that enables our experienced exercise Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologist (EP) to design and supervise individualised exercise programs. They can consider your injury, surgical procedure or health issue and guide you with your exercise so that you can strive for the best functional outcome possible.
We cater for individuals of all ages and exercise needs whether you are a confident gym participant or a newcomer.
Our Exercise Rehabilitation programs can be suitable for:
- Recovery from surgery such as joint replacements, joint reconstruction and arthroscopic procedures.
- Improving function for chronic injuries (injuries that have remained for longer than three months).
- Achieving optimal recovery from acute injuries.
- Sports related injuries – for elite, recreational and adolescent athletes.
- Tendinopathy rehabilitation.
- Injuries sustained in the workplace and in motor vehicle accidents.
- Injury prevention in sport.
- Injury prevention or “work hardening” for the workplace.
- Teenagers requiring a supervised introduction to gym and/or Clinical Pilates programs.
- The needs of the over 50’s group.
- Chronic disease management such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes (type I and type II), hypertension (high blood pressure) high cholesterol and depression.
Some of our clients have found that by commencing their exercise program under the supervision and care of a Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist they are able to build their understanding of exercise and then attend a mainstream gym with confidence.
We established an Exercise + Rehabilitation Area to provide a focused approach to exercise and rehabilitation. Exercise based rehabilitation programs are evidence based management for the many injuries we sustain in sport, work and daily life.