Group Exercise Classes

Our Group Exercise Classes provide a supportive environment for you to undertake an individualised exercise program under the supervision of a Physiotherapist. These classes may include exercises using gym equipment, pilates equipment and other equipment such as balance boards and resistance bands.

Before you can join our classes you will need to have 2 or 3 half-hour one one-on-one sessions with one of our Physiotherapists who has a special interest and qualifications in exercise rehabilitation. During these sessions the Physiotherapist will assess you and devise a program that is specifically tailored for your needs. They will also take you through your program, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure you are comfortable and familiar with your tailored program.

All classes are supervised by one of our experienced exercise Physiotherapists and are either 30 minutes or 60 minutes in duration. The classes are kept small, with a maximum of five participants in each. The Physiotherapist will provide you with feedback about your exercises, to ensure you’re getting the most out of your program every time you attend. You will need to have regular reviews (one-on-one consultation) of your program with a Physiotherapist to monitor and progress your program.

The fees for the one-on-one exercise sessions and group exercise classes may attract a rebate from your Private Health Insurer. As every health fund (and the level of cover you have) is different, we are unable to tell you how much of a rebate you will receive. 

Please contact our reception staff for any further information you may require. 

Read more about our Exercise + Rehabilitation Area.

Group Exercise Class 1
Group Exercise Class 2
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