Adam Culvenor (physiotherapist) is currently undertaking his PhD investigating the link between knee reconstruction and arthritis of the patellofemoral joint. This blog piece is a small introduction to his study and how to be involved.
Adam is currently undertaking his PhD at the University of Melbourne. He has been investigating people who have had an ACL reconstruction between 5 and 10 years ago and the aim of his research is to try and determine why so many people develop early arthritis after ACL reco and only a few others don’t. Patients Adam has been working with are asked to have an x-ray of both of their knees at no cost to them, and depending on the results of their x-ray, are asked either to participate in a 3D biomechanical assessment at the University of Melbourne, which takes about 2 hours to complete, or another part of the study which is looking at the immediate effects of an offloading brace on their knee function and pain which will take about 2 hours also.
If Adam’s research is of interest or for how to be involved please don’t hestitate to contact the clinic for more information or how to be intouch with Adam.