
Group Exercise Classes & Massage Therapy Services Resuming – Coronavirus Update 27 July 2021

In line with the State Government’s most recent announcement on the easing of COVID restrictions, the following changes will come into effect at our Clinic from tomorrow morning (Wednesday 28 July):

  • Routine, in additional to essential care, appointments will be available for all our services.
  • Massage services will resume.
  • Group Exercise Classes will recommence*.

This means all our services are back up and running!

Note: Masks are still required on our premises by all (unless exempt) – including in Exercise Classes, and when physical distancing can be adhered to.

Reminder: Telehealth consultations and online bookings are available for many of our services.

You can also phone us on 9481 5744 to make an appointment or if you have any questions.

*As our classes have a maximum of 5 participants, physical distancing requirements can be easily adhered to. In addition, there are strict protocols in place that all participants must follow and will include the need for all equipment to be sanitized after use.

You can find our current class timetable, with accompanying COVID19 protocols, along with our Covid Safe Plan online.

Stay COVID safe everyone!

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